Hi, I'm Brittany!
Photography has followed me my whole life. It all started when I was 3 years old and my photo collage featuring Tickle Me Elmo won Best In Class at the county fair.
Similarly, in middle school I entered a national picture book contest and realized that, despite years of art lessons, I felt more confident of my skills in photography than drawing. This led me to illustrate my picture book using staged photographs of my stuffed animals. It must have worked because that first year I was a finalist (top 10) out of 3000 entries!
Ever since, photography has been something that just kinda happened for me. It was natural. I would borrow my mom's DSLR and take headshots whenever someone asked. I would grab my friends for impromptu styled shoots.
My business officially began when my husband and I found ourselves with piles of all the usual bills, plus $1100 in hospital bills, and no income. On an impulse I asked my best friend if I could borrow her camera, and posted "Affordable Photo Session" ads on all of my local Facebook groups. I got one client from those, and then once we moved back to my home state the inquires began flowing and I haven't looked back since.